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  • Writer's pictureLaci Cable

Tired Teacher, I See You.

Tired Teacher, I see you as you set up your socially distanced classroom like a drive in movie theater so it doesn't look so scary when the kiddos show up on Monday.

Tired Teacher, I see you as you put the finishing touches on your Bitmoji classroom, trying to make online learning fun and engaging so your students will feel excited about the possibilities the new school year will bring.

Tired Teacher, I see you researching "see through" masks because you worry about the visual processors in your class that need to read your lips to fully comprehend your words.

Tired Teacher, I see you cleaning the classroom and sanitizing toys when that last child falls asleep at nap time. Usually, this is your time to take a break and reset for the busy afternoon. You are taking care because you want the children to stay safe and healthy.

Tired Teacher, I see you as you walk the floor with that teething infant. Teething doesn't take into account social distancing requirements and we know the best thing for our babies is comfort and care.

Tired Teacher, I see you on the first day of school trying to navigate new routines and procedures. You are doing your best to keep the children educated and healthy.

Tired Teacher, I see you on the 180th day that your town is shut down but your center is still open. You are making the difference to the parents that need to work and the whole community they serve.

Tired Teacher, no matter what your personal situation is right now, this is a really hard time in the history of education. We are all navigating new rules and procedures that seem to change within a moments notice. I know that you are tired. I know that you are wary. But I also know that you are giving it your all to make sure that your students get the best care and education you can provide. That's what teachers do, tired or not. I hope you can give yourself a little grace and take comfort in the fact that you are seen and supported. We may not all be in the same boat, but we are certainly trying to navigate the same storm. You are not alone.

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